Funky Frogster Zone

Lately in the Mood for Switch Puzzle Games

I've bought a few puzzle games on the Switch. I really like being able to play a bit and when I get stuck or mentally tired, either switch to another puzzle game or do something else. My brain just doesn't have the attention span for a long story.

So currently...

Arranger: A Role-Puzzling Adventure

Arranger: A Role-Puzzling Adventure follows the story of Jemma, a small-town misfit on a journey of self-discovery. Venturing out beyond her stiflingly cozy confines, she finds an inspiring world - but also one ruled by fear, and a strange, immovable ‘static’ force. Can she disrupt a culture of stagnation, and find a place to fit into it?

The puzzle mechanic dominates the world. Its a grid based world and you slide from one box to another. Items can be pulled and pushed in this manner. Also there is looping, meaning one can potentially travel quickly or avoid obstacles. I've found the game so far to be fair and have a smooth difficulty curve. That said, I am far from finished at the moment.

Nonogram Minimal

Enjoy 200 hand-crafted puzzles, share and play user-made levels!

Its a pretty simple Nonogram game on the switch. That said, this has a really solid interface where you can mark spots you think have ink but not commit. Also there are a lot of puzzles to solve. Its simple and gets the basics correct.

Indie Gems Bundle - Nonograms edition

Piczle Cross Adventure

This is a 2D pixel adventure RPG where you go around the world and restore lost items by solving nonogram puzzles. I really love this one. Although I hate that I can't do the ink 'marks' (or can't figure out how) I do love the hint roulette it offers which helps when I get stuck on a puzzle.


This is a fantasy RPG style where you solve puzzles to gain money and fight monsters. I like this one the least. No 'marking', and 'fighting' monsters can be stressful if you aren't fast at this genre. I like to take my time with puzzles even if they are 'simple'. That said, this was part of a bundle with a massive discount so I'm not that salty. I may even return and enjoy this title when I'm more experienced at nonograms.

This is what I have so far. Do you like puzzle games, Switch games, or games in general? Let me know your thoughts/let me know if you have any related blog posts. Email me at or Sign the Guestbook. I'd love to hear from you.

#Blaugust2024 #Game #Game (puzzle)