Funky Frogster Zone

Me and Runescape

I was part of a generation of kids too poor for WoW, so we played Runescape 2. I mostly did skilling activities like fishing, cooking, mining, smithing, etc. I never bothered with PvP. Even as a kid I was never really a skilled player.

I didn't keep up with the account. As a kid, I was too salty that the paid members had access to the coolest outfits and skills.

Years later I stumbled upon Old School Runescape videos. Its hard to remember who I found first. But I watched and currently watch Soup/Gielnor Games, J1mmy, Settled, Hanannie, Mr. Frog and Citizenscape. And probably more.

Then I realized I was an adult with a credit card now. I created an Old School account. I realized how much of the game I hadn't discovered as a kid. A lot of the sound effects and music are incredibly nostalgic to me. I had a pretty good time until the Motherlode mines triggered my carpal tunnel. Sadly I had to put the game down.

Then Waydot started a OSRS to Runescape 3 youtube series. He gave the game a share shake, which considering how infamous the game is...

Its funny, I think I tried to play Runescape 3 knowing nothing about the Evolution of Combat/Graphical updates. I remember being so confused by the upgraded 3D and attempt at a story that I promptly logged off and didn't play for years.

But this time was different. RS3 gets called Easy-scape for having less of a grind than OSRS. Its meant as an insult, but as someone with carpal tunnel this was appealing. So I started an account 3 months before the fresh start worlds event. I promptly got salty since you had to start a new account to benefit from that. I took a break, missed the Necromancy/Battle Pass arc and returned on the 2024 upswing of RS3. I decided to start fresh and stop being so salty.

So now I am Richanjalaw. I play casually and will post a picture and stats when I can.

Do you play Runescape or some other MMO? If you want to contact me, email me at or Sign the Guestbook. I'd love to hear from you.

#Blaugust2024 #Game #Game (Runescape 3)