Funky Frogster Zone

My History with Videogames PT 1 - Early PC Gaming

There are quite a few posts in the Blaugust-sphere about one's history with gaming...

... so I figured I'd toss my hat in the ring so to speak. Here is my own.

The Beginnning

When my grandfather passed away I was in elementary school. He willed me his old PC. It was a chunky CRT monitor and it dual loaded DOS and windows 95. Although it was a not a game, I played on some DOS card making program like it was and printed my "art" out on a dot matrix printer.

There was also the preloaded game of Skifree which is a very simple 2D skiing game. I was terrible at it and mostly remember the Yeti at the end.

Another preloaded game is 3D Pinball for Windows – Space Cadet. Like the name says, its pinball. The sound of the 'machine' starting up and the ball hitting the bumpers is seared into my mind due to how much I would randomly play this game.

I remember in elementary school they had a DOS computer with DOS games. I did play on it, but I don't have any strong memories other than constantly crashing a square that was a car. I still suck at driving games and driving game segments. But somehow I can drive a car in real life (weird).

I'm pretty sure I tried my hand at the classics like Tetris, Pong and Frogger but don't have any strong memories or feelings for them.

Princess Maker 2 is I game I found while trawling through abandonware sites (although its available for purchase now). Another game I spent an inordinate amount of time on. Essentially your goal is to raise a 10 year old girl to adulthood in a JRPGish world You determine her activities, food, etc on a monthly basis. Her stats go up and down accordingly. There are also areas and events such as year competitions and dungeons that also affect the ending. Your goal is to raise her to be a Princess, but there are so many other endings to discover. I don't think I ever got the Princess ending, although I did get two different Queen endings. shrug

This is getting long and I still have a bit to cover. So I'll wrap it up here and make this a multi-parter. Exciting! Click here to see the rest of the series (work in progress as of Aug 8, 2024).

If you want to contact me regarding your own videogame history, email me at or Sign the Guestbook. I'd love to hear from you and feel free to send links to your reply blog posts!

#Blaugust2024 #Game #My History with Videogames Series