Funky Frogster Zone

Postroll and Replies #1

Here are some posts I thought were interesting and my own thoughts when I have them.

On videogame fishing on rumorsmatrix

This post about fishing in videogames reminded me of my own experiences. Legend Of The River King on the Game Boy Color was a JRPGish style game around fishing. You had to go to different areas, and learn to catch different kinds of fish with different kinds of gear. I was terrible at this game despite thinking that a fishing RPG was cool.

The main reason I'm interested in fishing in videogames is Harvest Moon 64 and Tree of Tranquility. Its a simple system there you cast the reel with a button press, wait for the bobbing lure, then press the button again to catch. I often joke that I like the fishing more than the farming. To the point where I married the fish guy Toby because he likes fish and I had plenty.

I also want to highlight this personal site about both Harvest Moon and River King games called Ushi no Tane. Through the years of the rise, fall and rise again of the indieweb this site has been chugging along.

RSS readers make me want to jump into a vat of acid! by Keenan

For years, I would try the latest, coolest, most hyped RSS experience (and also Feedly, lol). And while many were pleasant to look at, and, yes, thoughtful in their design, none could solve the core problem for me: if I see a list of things to do, I do not find it invigorating. I find it paralyzing. I'm just trying to exist, and I open the app and suddenly there are the tasks, the obligations, pouring in.

I previously posted about not being fond of RSS. Here is yet another interesting take on the subject. I really relate to the above quote. It also applies to emails too. Although I recently made a new email and am trying to keep up with it, I do have older emails accounts full of junk. And because its overwhelming I don't check it as much as I should and then more junk builds up. A vicious cycle!

Any thoughts or reply post of your own? Email me at or Sign the Guestbook. I'd love to hear from you.

#Blaugust2024 #Game #Postroll and Replies