Funky Frogster Zone

re: Blaugust 2024 1

Here are some replies and interesting posts so far...

The amazing work of Eliza Ivanova by Lucas

The art is gorgeous and expressive. Its reminding me that I can share artists I like here, but would need to get a membership with bear blog so I can upload pictures.

Why I Gave Up Using RSS Reader by Alvan

I have finally came to the conclusion that using RSS reader to read posts removes the ā€œpersonalityā€ from them.

While RSS is an awesome tool, I've always struggled to use it. I connect with Rahim's comments about liking to manually go and see the formatting of each blog and disliking the stripping down that readers use. I just end up mindlessly scrolling and not really caring, similar to social media feeds.

Actually this brings back memories of using the Wordpress reader and the tumblr feed on mobile. They also stripped custom formatting to make posts more readable on a small screen. However it became harder to tell who posted what, and everything looked the same. I lost interest and stopped looking.

Manually going through my blogroll is less efficient, but its like a digital stroll where you go the long way to see something different.

And another aspect I dislike is the need to immediately read everything in a 'timely' manner and respond in kind. I feel like it takes the social media mentality and applies it to blogs. I suppose its one thing if its related to your job, but for someone like me who is a hobbyist and generally following personal and hobby blogs its a drag. I rush rush rush at work. At home I want to engage in things on my own time. Someone's post about their dog may be adorable but it can wait.

Productivity? Ew. by SoftThistle 2.0

I used to relish the idea of productivity. I was obsessed with it in the way only an undiagnosed and unknown-about ADHDer can be: all the way down the rabbit hole.

These days, yeah Iā€™ll skim some of the productivity stuff, but Iā€™m not that enamoured with it anymore. It' doesnā€™t give me the dopamine high anymore, but instead reminds me that itā€™s OK to take it at the pace that works for me.

I really connect to SoftThistle's feelings regarding productivity. I used to have 'productivity spurts' which ended up with me being burnt out at the end and not that much more organized. While some tips have helped, I never stick with systems and programs. Embracing a slow life really helped my mental health regarding this, and getting away from the minmaxed life ideal.

Blaugust Day 4 -- D&D TV -- It's real and how to make it better?

I have no real thoughts to add to this one, but I love the energy to it.

100 Strangers

This is such a cool black and white photography series, about strangers.

The End For Now...

And I've added quite a few blogs to my blogroll. And I'm still going through the participant list. I'm really enjoying this blogging challenge so far.

If you want to contact me, email me at or Sign the Guestbook. I'd love to hear from you.
